Nazarene Theological College Nazarene Theological College Dene Road, Manchester M20 2GU, United Kingdom /../webroot/files/Institutions/cover_photo/1556866490Untitled-1.jpg
Dene Road, Manchester M20 2GU, United Kingdom
Contact Number: +441614453063
Website: https://nazarene.ac.uk/
Location: Dene Road, Manchester M20 2GU, United Kingdom
Nazarene Theological College attracts a wide range of students. Some require theological education as a preparation for ordination, for teaching, for youth work, as part preparation for appointment as lay missionaries abroad or simply as an excellent course in higher education.The College offers a broader undergraduate education than most theological or Bible colleges in that a range of liberal arts subjects is integral to the student's total course. The wider curriculum also attracts students from abroad who can receive credit towards liberal arts degrees in their own colleges. They value highly the educational experience of a semester or a session living and studying in Britain.The College offers a range of university-validated courses. The primary undergraduate qualifications attainable are the several streams of the BA in Theology degree, together with diploma and certificate courses.The College provides valuable educational opportunities for Christian lay people who wish to gain an excellent academic qualification from a university of international renown and for those who wish to be better prepared for service in the local church. Whether the interest is in a special year of study in Biblical subjects combined with an introduction to theology and practical courses or a longer course, time spent at the College will equip the lay person more fully for effective service as a youth leader, a children's ministry worker or a local preacher.

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Dene Road, Manchester M20 2GU, United Kingdom
Nazarene Theological College