Lancaster University Lancaster University Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK /../webroot/files/Institutions/cover_photo/1564984288Lancaster-University1.jpg
Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK
Contact Number: +44152465201
Location: Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK
Lancaster University continues to be an internationally highly ranked leader in the provision of excellent teaching and research within a beautiful campus setting. The University places great emphasis on a strong student experience and gives students access to academics who are experts in their field, whilst providing an integrative environment that is conducive to learning for a culturally and ethnically diverse student population.
Our performance in successive research assessment exercises has placed us in the top 10 universities in the UK and this is reflected in an increasing portfolio of regional, national and international research partnerships that advance core disciplinary knowledge and address key societal issues. Lancaster University has a strong commitment to engage with the regional agenda and has a strong intent to build sustainable communities for this and future generations in the North West. Lancaster also works closely with its partners in the region to extend the range of academic provision, welcoming the students of tomorrow.
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Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK
Lancaster University
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