Frewen College Frewen College Frewen College
Frewen College
Contact Number: +4401797 252494
Location: Frewen College
Why choose Frewen? What makes Frewen College so special? In case you don't have time to explore the whole website now, we bring together here a few of the mainreasons you should consider Frewen for your son or daughter's education. Click onto the individual pages for more detailed information. Our staff Our staff are of course our greatest strength. The great majority ofour classroom staff, including Teaching Assistants, have specialist dyslexia training, and many have in excess of ten years' experience teaching at Frewen College. Our full time staff includes a Speech and Language Therapistand an Occupational Therapist, with postgraduate training in sensory integration. We also benefit from the services of a highly experienced Educational Psychotherapist. Our teaching Our average teacher/ pupil ratio is maintainedat better than1 to 6, and one-to-one tuition is available where appropriate.This enables us to use Individual Education Plans to tailor the teaching to each individual child's needs. Our curriculum is accessible yet demanding and pays due attention to the National Curriculum. It includes a significant creative element. Our Year 11 pupils average between six and seven GCSE passes, and allsecure places in further education, job training schemes, or employment.In most years a number of pupils who have joined us in Frewen Juniors are able to secure places in mainstream independent or maintained schools. Our pupils We welcomechildren with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, as well as speech and language, and sensory integration difficulties. We also welcome a small number of children with Asperger's Syndrome, usually in combination with dyslexia or other SpLD.We welcome pupils aged between7 and 17, one of the widest age ranges of any such school. We offer day and fully flexible boarding places, and are now fully co-educational. Our number of girls increases each year and total boarding numbers have doubled in the last four years. Having only offered boarding places for girls since 2009, we are alreadyhaving to increase our provision for a second time! We have a separate junior school which welcomes children aged from7 to 11, and is located next to the senior school. Pastoralcare We take the pastoral side of our role just as seriously as the educational.We havetwo trained counsellors and an Educational Psychotherapist with time to talk one-to-one with children about their problems whenever necessary. We have our own matron and surgery, supplemented by plenty of staff with First Aid training. We constantly seek to enhance home-school communications. Our in-house catering team use local produce wherever possible, including some of our own produce. The food is rated 'fantastic' by the children! We cater for around 20 different types of dietary need. Boarding arrangements are very flexible, with full boarding available at no extra cost. Senior boys and girls are in one or two bedded rooms, and junior bedrooms have three or four sharing. Almost all bedrooms are en suite. Our location.... The school is based in beautiful surroundings in the Wealden countryside, on the borders of Kent and Sussex.Located on the edge of the village of Northiam, we encourage involvement in the local community. Our pupils benefit from 60 acres of playing fields, gardens, and grounds, and we have access to another 100 acres of ancient parklandfor cross-country runs, orienteering, nature rambles and building camps. We are within easy reach of London, Gatwick Airport, and the Channel Tunnel, and are the closest Dyslexia Specialist Provision school to the Continent. Our facilities We are small but perfectly formed! We have all the benefits of being a small rural school, but with teaching and sports facilities that many much larger schools would envy. We are completely independent and a charity.... Frewen College is one of the very few such schools which is a charity run by an independent educational trust. This means that unlike most other specialist independent schools, every penny of fee income is invested in the children's education or in maintaining and improving the facilities available to our pupils. Our history.... Although its predecessor school Brickwall House had welcomed dyslexics since the 1940s, Admiral Sir John Frewen KCB re-established Frewen College in 1972 as the first school specifically focused on helping children with dyslexia. Subsequently we have extended our welcome to children with dyspraxia and dyscalculia, together with a small number with Asperger's Syndrome.Many historic artefacts from the 400 year history of the main house remain in place to help bring history lessons to life. Come and see us.... We welcome personal visits from parents, prospective pupils, and education professionals. For further information, please click on the appropriatepage ore-mail us.
Why choose Frewen? What makes Frewen College so special? In case you don't have time to explore the whole website now, we bring together here a few of the mainreasons you should consider Frewen for your son or daughter's education. Click onto the individual pages for more detailed information. Our staff Our staff are of course our greatest strength. The great majority ofour classroom staff,...
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