Emanuel School Emanuel School Battersea Rise
Battersea Rise
Contact Number: +44020 8870 4171
Website: http://www.emanuel.org.uk
Location: Battersea Rise
Emanuel is a school with a long and distinguished history… and, I believe, a very exciting future.The school was founded in 1594 by Lady Dacre and, unusually, was co-educational from the very beginning. Lady Dacre's original vision for the foundation was 'for the bringing up of children in virtue and good and laudable arts so that they might better live in time to come by their honest labour' and she initially made provision for twenty students: ten girls and ten boys.Today, Emanuel remains fully co-educational, but has grown in size to over 750 students and our aims have become bolder and broader. Nowadays we foster a thirst for knowledge and a real commitment to learning. We teach our students to communicate in an articulate, informed and confident manner. We show our students what it means to take responsibility. We encourage them to develop a strong moral code with the ability to make informed judgements about what is right and wrong. We foster respect and good behaviour. We promote the importance of caring for others and we endeavour to teach our students important skills for later life: social, physical and practical.This vision can only be achieved if a child is happy. So our starting point at Emanuel is to create a safe and caring community – a place where girls and boys can grow and thrive. We want our students to look back at their time at Emanuel with great affection.I believe we are achieving these aims. But don't take my word for it – come and see for yourself. You will be very welcome.
Emanuel is a school with a long and distinguished history… and, I believe, a very exciting future.The school was founded in 1594 by Lady Dacre and, unusually, was co-educational from the very beginning. Lady Dacre's original vision for the foundation was 'for the bringing up of children in virtue and good and laudable arts so that they might better live in time to come by their honest...
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Battersea Rise
Emanuel School