Edgeborough Educational Trust Ltd Edgeborough Educational Trust Ltd Edgeborough
Contact Number: +4401252 792495
Location: Edgeborough
The Nursery provides a secure and relaxed environment for children to begin their school life. Emphasis is placed on a happy family atmosphere that fosters all-round development and a balanced education of a high standard. Children are encouraged to develop good relationships, self-confidence, independence and creative skills through play-centred activities. They are introduced to simple reading, writing and number activities, games and oral French. Our Nursery teachers are experienced and caring and are able to provide a suitable framework of opportunities to enable each child to thrive. The department is very well-equipped and has large and safe gardens for outdoor play and activities. The Nursery also enjoys use of a lovely new hall for drama, music and dance, and makes good use of the playing fields and woodland areas of the school. Timetable The Nursery is open from Monday to Friday. Morning, afternoon or full day sessions can be chosen. Forms for parents to request sessions will be sent out prior to the children starting in the Nursery. Nursery 1 children start with a minimum of 2 morning sessions and can stay for lunch. There are also a number of afternoon sessions available. Nursery 2 children attend 5 mornings with lunches and afternoons optional. Children may attend any number of sessions depending on availability. If the required session is oversubscribed, preference will be given to children who are entering the Pre Prep the following September. Details of times and fees can be obtained from the School Office. Facilities The children in the Nursery are accommodated in a delightful two storey lodge style building, much of which has been purpose built. The Nursery benefits from a large outside play space and outdoor classroom directly accessible from the main Nursery building. There is an extensive range of large and small resources covering the six areas of the Foundation stage. ICT is freely available throughout all the learning areas. The extensive outside play space includes a hard area for bikes and trikes and a woodland area with houses, slides and play equipment. Activities such as French, ballet, cookery and music are available. Topics covered over the school year include: flowers, shapes, numbers, hot and cold, music, pets, healthy living and ourselves. Each child is considered an individual and this is reflected when planning activities. Parents will have the opportunity to meet the staff every term on Parents' Afternoons, however staff are available for queries whenever required and meetings can be arranged at mutually agreeable times. There is an open door policy for discussion with staff in addition to formal consultations each term. Parents of children in the Nursery years have open access to their child's development records. There is a Social Evening for all parents at the beginning of the Christmas Term. This includes Nursery 1 parents whose children are not joining the Nursery until later in the academic year. Notes: Edgeborough participates in the Government Early Years Free Entitlement Scheme and is registered as a Private Provider. The entitlement is for up to 15 hours per week. Our Nursery offers the Free Entitlement Session from 0845 to 11.45 during term time only, for 33 weeks of the year. The EYFE claim is administered and submitted to Surrey County Council by the Accounts Secretary. The first term that your child is eligible, you will be asked to complete an Early Years Registration Form and provide a copy of your child's birth certificate. Thereafter you will be sent an EYFE Declaration form each term so you may increase or decrease the number of hours your child attends. You will receive a termly invoice for the additional activities and facilities which are charged for over and above the basic government provision. This enables us to conform to the EFYE scheme requirements whilst maintaining sufficient fee income to support staffing and facilities of the highest standard.
The Nursery provides a secure and relaxed environment for children to begin their school life. Emphasis is placed on a happy family atmosphere that fosters all-round development and a balanced education of a high standard. Children are encouraged to develop good relationships, self-confidence, independence and creative skills through play-centred activities. They are introduced to simple...
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Edgeborough Educational Trust Ltd