Croydon Metropolitan College Croydon Metropolitan College 30-32 S End
30-32 S End
Contact Number: +44020 8688 5777
Location: 30-32 S End
Why study at CMC full time, instead of any other Schools/Colleges? Here are your 10 reasons why……………………… • Maximum 5 students in a class. • Chemistry, Physics and Biology lab facilities are available for each student. • Library & ICT facilities are available at CMC. • No mobile phones are allowed inside the college premises. • Preloaded laptop computers with internet connection for all our students. • Individual care-taking for each and every student. • Monthly exams conducted with reports sent by post to parents. • Each student will have a personal tutor to contact regarding any problems he/she may have in any subject throughout the year. • Good University admissions guaranteed by our quality staff. THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOU A better preparation for University Life: Did you know that students from schools are more likely to drop out from University than students taught at a sixth form College? We will prepare you well. Support: We have great student support from our staff at CMC who will guide those in need of counselling, welfare, disability, emotional and financial issues. Staff: The Principal : Mr. P Muhilan The Director of Studies : Mr. A Shah Our tutors are dedicated and committed to helping every one of our students to fulfil their potential by working with them towards achieving the academic standards and maturity they will need to reach the University of their choice. Different course levels offered: You have a second chance to re-do your GCSE/GCE(AS & A2) if things do not go according to plan. What our students say • “I chose CMC because it offers the courses I wanted to do and it's easy to reach” • “CMC is the place to be if you want to be successful” • “It offers good education and there are helpful teachers, friendly students and multi-cultural people” • “I picked CMC because the exam grades for the courses I chose were very good” • “CMC has a good reputation for all its courses” • “I got very good feedback from friends that had already studied at CMC and I have not regretted coming here” • “Lessons are taught in a way that keeps you interested and determined to learn” Proprietors : Mr. Sinnadurai Pathmamohan Mrs. Rajani Pathmamohan The proprietors can be contacted on the College address on the college postal address or by telephone 020 8688 5777 or by email on The following documents are available from the college office on request. » Particulars of the College policy on and arrangements for admissions, discipline and exclusion. » Particulars of educational and welfare provision for pupils with statements of special educational needs and for pupils for whom English is an additional languages. » Particulars of the curriculum policy of the school. » Particulars of policies relating to bullying, health and safety, the promotion of good behaviour, and sanctions adopted in the event of pupils misbehaving. » Particulars of the arrangements for tackling bullying, and for promoting pupils' health and safety on the school premises and on educational visits. » Particulars of academic performance during the preceding school year, including the results of any public examinations. » Details of the complaints procedure adopted by the school, together with details of the number of complaints registered under the formal procedure during the preceding College year. » The number of staff employed at the College including temporary staff and a summary of their qualification.
Why study at CMC full time, instead of any other Schools/Colleges? Here are your 10 reasons why……………………… • Maximum 5 students in a class. • Chemistry, Physics and Biology lab facilities are available for each student. • Library & ICT facilities are available at CMC. • No mobile phones are allowed inside the...
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30-32 S End
Croydon Metropolitan College