City of Wolverhampton College City of Wolverhampton College Paget Road
Paget Road
Contact Number: +4401902 836000
Location: Paget Road
City of Wolverhampton College is committed to making as much Information about College activities as possible generally available to the public either through published documents (including those published on the College website), or on request. Freedom of Information Act 2000: Publication Scheme Adopting a publication scheme is a requirement of Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of the Act is to promote greater openness by public authorities, which include further education colleges. City of Wolverhampton College has adopted the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioner's Officer for further education colleges in October 2008. The Scheme provides a description of the “classes” or types of information that the Information Commissioner expects colleges of further education to make available. The Model Publication Scheme is attached as Appendix 1 to this policy document. In addition to the model scheme organisations are obliged to produce a guide to the specific information held under each of the classes of information identified in the scheme: this guide is attached as Appendix 2 to this policy document. How to access information City of Wolverhampton College will make available information it holds whether or not listed in the Guide to the Publication Scheme unless identified as not available under one of the exemptions provided for by the legislation. Any documents routinely available to the public are noted in the Guide in the descriptions of the different classes of information. Some documents covered by the scheme are published in electronic format via the college's website at or other websites as indicated. Other documents are only available in hard copy and will be provided on request. We ask that requests are made in writing and a response will normally be made within 20 working days. A Freedom of Information Request Form is attached to this policy as appendix 3. Charging Policy Printed information on courses and services offered by the college is available free of charge, as are packs issued to people responding to notices of job vacancies. If requested, the College will produce publications and documents in other formats where it is reasonably practical to do so. For items not routinely available on request free of charge, or for items in other requested formats which incur additional cost, the College will usually make a charge. The charge will normally comprise the cost of photocopying or scanning (current photocopying charges and scanning charges are each 5p per page) or the direct cost of putting the information into other requested formats, plus postage if applicable. In certain circumstances the college may waive the fee at its absolute discretion.
City of Wolverhampton College is committed to making as much Information about College activities as possible generally available to the public either through published documents (including those published on the College website), or on request. Freedom of Information Act 2000: Publication Scheme Adopting a publication scheme is a requirement of Section 19 of the Freedom of Information...
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City of Wolverhampton College