Cardiff and Vale College Cardiff and Vale College Trowbridge Rd
Trowbridge Rd
Contact Number: +44029 2025 0250
Location: Trowbridge Rd
The merger is part of an innovative vision, set out by the Welsh Government, to transform post-16 education and training in the Capital Region of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Cardiff and Vale College will bring a wide variety of additional benefits to the region with a long term vision to: offer a wider range of courses and more opportunities for learners to progress in their study within the same College work more closely with schools across the region to provide an extended, diverse range of high quality, exciting and relevant opportunities for 14-19 learners create more opportunities to learn in Welsh to support the Welsh Government policy for bilingual learning give learners access to additional excellent facilities and strengthening advice, support and guidance systems lead the way on new curriculum initiatives, working with partner organisations to provide an unrivalled and seamless pathway from school to Higher Education and employment. Innovation + Best practice = Awards Cardiff and Vale College brings together two innovative colleges with these awards: Assocation of College's Beacon Awards : 2011: Welsh Government Award for Overcoming Deprivation 2011: Shortlisted for AQA Award for College/School Partnerships 2010: Enterprise UK Award for Enterprise Colleges Wales/Colegau Cymru Awards: 2011: Teacher of the year – Maria McCarthy 2011: Student of the year – James Fraser 2010: Returning to and widening the scope of learning 2010: Innovation in the leadership and management of vocational education 2009: Managing vocational excellence to prepare learners for industry and the workplace Other awards: 2005-2011: IMI UK Centre of the Year finalist IIP Leadership and Management award
The merger is part of an innovative vision, set out by the Welsh Government, to transform post-16 education and training in the Capital Region of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Cardiff and Vale College will bring a wide variety of additional benefits to the region with a long term vision to: offer a wider range of courses and more opportunities for learners to progress in their study within...
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Trowbridge Rd
Cardiff and Vale College