Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education 124 Blackness Road
124 Blackness Road
Contact Number: +4400 44 (0)1382 908070
Location: 124 Blackness Road
The Al-Maktoum College works to build bridges between communities at all levels, in particular between people across the world at this crucial time by providing a unique and innovative academic environment and community for learning, teaching and research in the Study of Islam and Muslims.This vision helps the College to establish its strategic agenda in the Study of Islam and Muslims as post-orientalist, post-traditionalist and multicultural.One of the College's aims is to provide a meeting point between the Western and Muslim worlds of learning and to encourage and forge international links, scholarship and academic co-operation. In our effort to achieve this, Al-Maktoum College aspires not only to provide postgraduate teaching and research of the highest quality, but also to act as a national resource in the Scottish and UK context for consultation by government bodies, public organisations, industry, business and the media.A very important element of the College's teaching is a commitment to pursuing a better understanding of multiculturalism and the issues that cultural and religious diversity provide in the twenty-first century globalised context.
The Al-Maktoum College works to build bridges between communities at all levels, in particular between people across the world at this crucial time by providing a unique and innovative academic environment and community for learning, teaching and research in the Study of Islam and Muslims.This vision helps the College to establish its strategic agenda in the Study of Islam and Muslims as...
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124 Blackness Road
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education