Choose a Course

Choosing the right course is an important decision, but one you have to make on your own. If you have already done an undergraduate degree, you may have a good idea of what you want to do. But, for the rest of you, you should think about what you are interested and and what excites you. Will you enjoy doing this course for the number of years it lasts? Also, will the course enhance your career prospects or is the course loosely related? Make sure you look at the course description, along with the course content and entry requirements, on the university website.


Choose an Institution

The same course at one university won’t be taught in the same way in another university. You have to look a what you prefer. Do you do better in exams? Choose a course at a university that is more exam based. If not, consider a more coursework based course. You can find more information on the university’s website. Also, you should choose a university in a place you would want to live in. You will be living there for 1 -2 years, if not more depending on your chosen course. Do you like going to clubs and bars with friends? Does the location offer what you want and need? In addition, can you afford to live there? London can be expensive, but it’s much cheaper the further outside of the city you are. You should also look at the university itself. Does it have the facilities you require? Would you prefer to go to a small university or college, where you know most people, or a large university, where you have more facilities? In addition, you need to check that the institution is on the Tier 4 register. If not, it isn’t allowed to recruit international students and, therefore, you won’t be allowed to apply or get a place at the institiution. To find out if your preferred university is on the Tier 4 register, go to the UKBA website. Look at the university’s website for more information on the location and the university itself.


Get a Scholarship

If you can’t afford the tuition fees with living expenses, consider getting a scholarship. There are many different scholarships available to international students. Eligibility varies depending on the scholarship. Some require you to have a certain score in a test or be from a certain country. But always be aware of scams. If it sounds too good to be true, or if you need to pay money to get money, it may be a scam. You should also budget your finances. Use a website such as The International Student Calculator, where you can put in your income, including any scholarships you receive, and expenses and see how much money you have left, if any. If you don’t have enough money to go to university and live, then, if you visa allows it, consider getting a job.

Get Accepted into a Course In order to apply for a postgraduate course in the UK, you’ll need to hold an undergraduate degree, either from the UK or overseas. Entry requirements for each course and institution vary, but, for most courses, you’ll be expected to have obtained a first or good 2:1 (or international equivalent) in a related undergraduate degree and speak English to at least an IELTS 6.5 level. Here are some general examples of the qualifications you will need for postgraduate study: Pre-master’s: Undergraduate Degree plus IELTS 5.0-5.5 PG Cert/PG Dip: Undergraduate Degree plus IELTS 6.5-7.0, or a Pre-Master’s Course Master’s degree: First or Upper Second Class Undergraduate Degree plus IELTS 7.0, or a Pre-Master’s Course MBA: First Degree, 2-3 Years’ Business Experience, plus IELTS 6.5-7.0 PhD: Master’s Degree, plus IELTS 6.5-7.0. These are simply requirements, however, and do not guarantee a place in a postgraduate course.


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