PgCertPgDipMSc Physiotherapy (Part-time) PgCertPgDipMSc Physiotherapy (Part-time) Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Masters Degree , Physiotherapy
Course Description
THIS COURSE ENABLES PHYSIOTHERAPISTS TO DEVELOP SKILLS TO EVALUATE CLINICAL PRACTICE AND TO MAKE SIGNIFICANT AND INNOVATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS TO ADVANCE PRACTICE WITHIN THEIR OWN ORGANISATION. Description: This newly restructured course provides the opportunity to develop intellectual and transferable skills required for evaluating and advancing clinical practice. Successful graduates will demonstrate the skills of critical thinking, the ability to be an informed consumer of research, and an understanding of the principles and practical applications underlying measurement and evaluation of practice. This course attracts physiotherapists from all over the world. The challenging programme encourages you to re-examine your professional convictions, to be sceptical of current clinical practice and to implement positive changes in the workplace. The learning experience is relevant to physiotherapists working in clinical, educational, research and leadership settings to become leaders in their field. The course does not lead to a license to practice in the UK or to Health Professions Council (HPC) registration. Structure: The part-time route offers a flexible study pattern however, you will be required to complete the course in a minimum of three years and a maximum of seven years for the MSc. There will be three short blocks of intensive study (between two and four days) onsite at QMU (in early September, in January, and in April) each year. This block attendance is convenient for those in full-time employment. Other study will be carried out through distance learning and independently. Most modules run each year and consist of a mix of core lectures, tutorials, workshops and lab sessions, in addition specialist small group tutorials will run to allow students to consider issues specific to their own area of clinical practice in greater depth. Some modules will be studied with students from other MSc courses. Course Covers: Students may elect to study from the following modules (all modules are 30 M level credits unless otherwise stated): - Research methods - Current Concepts and Future Developments in Clinical Practice - Advanced Paediatric Practice - Clinical Measurement Science - Clinical Exercise Science - Radiographic Imaging for Physiotherapists - Work Based Learning (15, 30 or 45 M credits) plus - Dissertation (Msc only) (60 M credits) Contact during three short blocks (September, January, and April). Requirements for programme awards: For the award of PgDip Physiotherapy (120 M level credits) you must successfully complete: - Research methods Plus - either Current Concepts and Future Developments in Clinical Practice OR Advanced Paediatric Practice and a further 60 M credits For the award of MSc Physiotherapy (180 M level credits) you must successfully complete: - Research methods - Research dissertation Plus - either Current Concepts and Future Developments in Clinical Practice OR Advanced Paediatric Practice and a further 60 M credits Please check with the award co-ordinator for details. Teaching and Assessment A variety of teaching and asse:ssment methods will be used. This course is highly student-centred with occasional keynote lectures. You will also be involved in individual and group based activities in seminar, tutorial and laboratory settings. Assessment is based on course work, which may involve individual course work submissions, poster and oral presentations. No practical clinical skills are taught or assessed on this MSc programme. Careers: This course will enable you to focus your continuing professional development in clinical practice and research and is likely to enhance your career opportunities in these areas and in education. This course attracts both a UK and international cohort. Graduates of this programme have gone on to take up academic posts, senior clinical research posts and PhD studies both in the UK and abroad. Associate Student: You can also register as an associate student to study single module